Residents in Orlando community fear losing homes in HOA battle Do you tire of thing relates to HOA? Me? Tell you what? I’m sick ‘n tire of hearing hard working people saving enough money to buy a house then loose the house to HOA related. Tired Tired Tired
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Here is another HOA related stories…
STOP HOA’s from stealing peoples homes.
STOP HOA’s from stealing peoples homes. 532 People Have Sent 1,314 Letters and Emails Take Action Now Some recent comments: these messages are published with permission of the signer.
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- US Disappointing People Around The World – Leaving HOAs too much power (33 Comments)
- Interesting info (15 Comments)
- Petition to Congress: Dissolve HOA’s Nationwide (15 Comments)
- To All People who are living in Chickasaw Trails Subdivision (12 Comments)
- To Mr. J.M. on B.C. about your roof is always stained to your Chickasaw Trails HOA. (6 Comments)
- People! When buying stuffs from Best Buy, you should be aware this (5 Comments)
- Strange Stories in Florida (5 Comments)
- People of property management and lawyers have some connection (5 Comments)
- HOA threatens ‘jail time’ for family over color of backyard play set (5 Comments)
- HOA loses court showdown: Judge says purple swing set can stay (4 Comments)
- struck by lightning
- Illegal mowing: Teens can’t be paid to cut neighbors’ grass
- Do you know why your HOA complaints homeowners’ yards dirty?
- Will you buy a house if you’re non-English speaker?
- Stay away from Toys’r Us / Babies ‘r Us stores
- Family wins right to put up fence after battle with HOA
- How to Sue a Homeowners Association
- People of property management and lawyers have some connection
- How to Defend Yourself in a Homeowners Association Lawsuit
- Your HOAs and Property Management target senior homeowners, do you know?
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